Super 8 Polyverse

Come! Thursday in Hamburg, Lichtmess Cinema, 8 pm.

I present 18 short super 8 films made by women worldwide.

Films by women who are my friends, whom I personally know – except for 2, which I know virtually thanks to an interstellar network – from Germany (Berlin, Hamburg), Switzerland, Great Britain and Mexico / Argentina.
The oldest one is from 1987, the newest one was finished only 1/2 years ago …

Super 8 is an extremely sexy material: It is warm-colored, has unbeatable gray and color shades that you achieve get digitally, it is partially mysteriously blurred, has a natural grain, is not 100% plannable and comes – if the filmmaker extends her antennas properly and throws herself fearlessly into the Wabisabi – close to the object, to the action, to the world.

Websites of some of the filmmakers:

….. wow ….. I love them 🙂


This winter does not end. It’s late March and still icecold. Snowing. Grey. Depressing.
I fall asleep with my head on the table.
Luckily I am in love with images, film, and pinhole camera boxes, so I grab the tired opportunity and capture my 15 minutes long sleep.

Incienso Canario

Artemisia thuscula, también llamada Artemisia canariensis, o comúnmente ajenjo de Canarias o incienso canario en España o mol en la isla de El Hierro, es una especie de arbusto endémico de las Islas Canarias.

These bushes just grow everywhere on La Palma and the smell is soft and sweet … I heard the taste is bitter, so I guess this plant contains a lot of phenols which means: a possible film developer!!

I collected a little sackfull of leaves, took them home with me, dried them and weeks later developed a PlusX super 8 film stripe in tea made from these leaves! The result is wonderful: sweet and soft black and grey tones!