When the clouds are coming in like Star Wars‘ credits you know … June is coming!!

unterwegs in Sachen Film >>> <<< on the road making films!
When the clouds are coming in like Star Wars‘ credits you know … June is coming!!
Stockholm is sexy and smiling and pinhole camera and kanelbull-clichee and fog on the sea and bike lanes and I am learnig Swedish and my favourite words are glömt and nöttkött (jag äter inte nöttkött!) and varg and häst and katt.
I placed my pinhole camera under a blooming cherry tree and let it expose 3 seconds long.
My favourite pizzeria Casolare has two puppets in the front window which look like Pep Ventura. Pep Ventura, who is it?
Pep Ventura was a Catalan musician. A poor boy who lived with his grandfather and played on handmade flutes. He spiced up the Cobla and the Sardana with new flutes and composed 550 songs.
I made a film (click here to watch it!) … inspired by Barcelona, my own personal craziness, Wiki information and music.
Photos © Bernd Brundert