A dream come true: someone gave me Kodak socks!!!
Another Brownie Photo
I must say I’m in love with these glass negatives … and the wacky emulsion. This is a photo I took from my neighbour’s balcony … in the foreground this wishiwashy stuff is moving grass … the exposure time was 10 seconds (a bit too long, the negative has turned out very dense and dark …)
Welcome, 2025
Hello balcony, hello fresh new year!
Brownie Camera At The Sea
… with a very expired Ilford glass plate inside!
Slide Show #2
(my favourite is the first one!!!)
Slide Show #1
Unbeatable fun to see 50 year old slides!! Was it me? A different layer of me?
Xmas At The Baltic Sea
It was so still and calm … no wind at all, the sea lying there like a mirror!
Happy xmas to all!
Patreon Offer / Patreonangebot
About Patreon (Support an Artist!!!)
Hallo alle, insbesondere die Mitleser*innen, die mich noch nicht pekuniär unterstützen, aber damit vielleicht liebäugeln … das ist für euch:
Ich verkoche gerade die Essensreste meines Geburtstagsessen (Limonen-, Zwiebel- und Orangenschalen, Kürbis- und Auberginenreste …) und mache eine kleine Auflage (5 Bilder) eines meiner aktuellen Lieblingsbilder “Bocchigliero 5 – Lamp Ufo” (siehe auch hier …)
Wenn du dich schnell entscheidest und ein 10 € / $ – Patreon wirst, bekommst du eines zu Weihnachten!
Hello everyone, especially those readers who are not yet supporting me financially, but are perhaps considering it … this is for you:
I’m currently cooking up the leftovers from my birthday dinner (lime, onion and orange peel, pumpkin and aubergine leftovers …) and making a small edition (5 pictures) of one of my current favourite pictures ‘Bocchigliero 5 – Lamp Ufo’ (see also here …)
If you decide quickly and become a 10 € / $ – Patreon, you will get one for Christmas!
Segafredo Zanetti
I love stations! The coffee is not that bad any more as it used to be … double price, heißer Scheiß!
Happy travelling!
Bocchigliero 5 – Lamp Ufo
This is my actual favourite pinhole photo!
I cooked a juice (made from my birthday dinner ingredients or rather the remains …) and turned it into a yummy smelling developer!
Sugar Winter
I think I mentioned it before … many of the classic and toxic developers end with -ol (Dokumol, Neutol …), and the first eco developer was named Caffenol. I give names to mostly all my new developers … this time me and my students explored the power of … Bolzanol!
A fruity North Italian mix made from local fruit like apples, mandarines and pomegranates … and many more.
I know that all citrus fruits work well as developer, all colourful and aromatic fruits in general. They all contain a lot of phenols.
The result of the film was a bit lower in contrast compared to a Caffenol developed film, softer and more grey tones. Beautiful!
We’ll have the films digitized in December, I will for sure show you some results!
A Flock Of Flickers – An Invitation
Online webinars from January 2025 regularly (if I can manage it) every last Sunday of the month, starting in January 2025.
“We love Super 8 / we are at the very beginning and don’t know much / we are in the middle and are enchanted / we want to know everything about Caffenol and ecological developing, cameras and film stock / we have experience and specific questions … let’s connect!
We meet every last Sunday of the month! On the ZOHO platform, which is similar to ZOOM. I moderate and tell and show tricks and film examples … you have the opportunity to bring in your own topic / problem / question. It’s something like a virtual mini workshop, a webinar in a small group, with personalised advice and assistance.
The entrance fee is 30 € / $ via PayPal, you will be emailed an access code. You can register your topic / problem / special interest in advance.
Time: Europe 19:00, USA around noon, but this can be flexible if someone from other regions of the world wants to participate. The duration will be 1 hour, probably longer. Language: English.
Let’s flicker!”
A Flock Of Flickers #1 will take place on 26 January 2025!
Zicken Car
This car! Is it still in use? I don’t know, but I see it standing on different spots … but always around the Zickenplatz / Bitch or Goat Place … Zicke has both meanings!
Ah yes, I was sitting in / outside the Café Zazza when I took this photo. Zazza, I like you and your glorious coffee!
A Bag of Fleas
Another workshop … but: this time my students were very young teens between 12 and 14 years old! Something I never did before …
(my 2 days super 8 filming and eco developing was part of a 4 days advanced training course for film curators who introduce young people to filmmaking, hosted by the Düsseldorf Film Museum!)
A wild bunch! A bag of fleas! Exhausting but also fascinating how the young got into it: watching experimental short films, collecting ideas, writing into their copybooks, learning how to use a super 8 camera, filming their ideas … with the help of us 6 adults of course … and then mixing coffee and fruit juice developer!
Honestly … I prefer students in their twenties, but it was an awesome experience!!!
More Glass Photos
This one! I like it! A portrait of a friend.
But I still don’t know why it is so … weird, so rough … is the emulsion simply dead and decayed after 60 years?
Autumn Sun Beams
Im blassen und nassen Hochmoor / Wuthering Heights
Jedes Jahr gibt es an verschiedenen Orten auf der Erde einen Kate-Bush-Flashmob. Leute verkleiden sich wie sie in ihrem Video: rotes Kleid, schwarzer Gürtel, rote Blume. Und tanzen die lustige Choreographie zu “Wuthering Heights”, ihrem ersten Hit, den sie schon mit 16 geschrieben hat und der mich immer wieder von den Socken haut. Ich tanze alleine. Oh Heathcliff! Hat mal eine das Buch (von Emily Brontë) gelesen? Grandios dramatisch! Hooo it gets dark …
Every year there is a Kate Bush flash mob in various places around the world. People dress up like her in her video: red dress, black belt, red flower. And dance the funny choreography to ‘Wuthering Heights’, her first hit, which she wrote when she was 16 and which always knocks my socks off. I dance alone. Oh Heathcliff! Has anyone ever read the book (by Emily Brontë)? It’s terrificly dramatic! Hooo it gets dark …
Filmed with super 8 (expired Agfa Moviechrome)
Learning About Film Codes
Some of these very old double 8 films have a code punched directly into the film at the beginning. Makes it easier to detect what it is and to develop it right!
Today I learned that IF is Agfa Isopan F (F stands for fine grain), black & white. From the 60s probably.
KM stands for Kodachrome K40, K II is … Kodachrome K II!
Glass Photos
One of my old film friends inherited a heap of old film and photography material from his deceased professor. Cameras, photo paper, a mountain of film cans full of 16 and 35 mm film of all kinds …
I took some weird photo paper boxes, among them old glass plates from ILFORD! Glass plates with a film emulsion on them, meant for special photo cameras which I don’t own, but who cares, I got an old Brownie which is more or less just a box with a lens … And hooray, the glass plate fits in!
And another hooray: I got an image!
Can you see it?
A window in the upper left corner! And a lantern in the bottom right.
Shells In My Street
Today I found a bunch of shells in my street. Just made me happy, nothing else.
¡Piedra! ¡Montaña! ¡Iglesia!
And Another One!
Ode To June 2024
Ode To June 2024 Almost Edited
So I’m spending all evenings hugging my computer and FinalCutPro, finishing my “Ode an Juni / Ode to June” film! The 12th! This one will be 18 minutes long. Give me a few more days and it will be online …
Autumn Flower
Just the look out my window.
Autumn Soup
… made from rose hips / Hagebutten!
I love the German word Hagebutte! “Entstanden aus den mittelhochdeutschen Begriffen hagen ‚Dornbusch‘ und butte ‚rundlicher Gegenstand‘ / Originating from the Middle High German terms hagen ‘thorn bush’ and butte ‘roundish object” … says Wiki. Dornbuschrundling! 😀
I made juice to develop some positive prints.
That’s all for this week, autumn cold winds blew into my neck and gave me a little cold. I slow down.
Hatschi / Atishoo!
Café Müllers Wall Of Fame
Here I am, nailing another freshly developed pinhole photo on the wall!
Pini Caldi
A short film that I shot recently in South Italy is now ready to be edited … Just one roll of this lovely Kodak Vision 50 material – wonderful colours, tiny grain – here are some snippets:
Übers Lungern
How can I translate “lungern”?
Jessica smokes and says something about “man muss mehr rumlungern”, I love this picture (it’s in my upcoming June film).
Loafing? Hanging around? Loitering?