The fountain of Yverdon-les-Bains (Switzerland) froze when I set up my Illy coffee pinhole camera and exposed a piece of film for 6 seconds.
Schlagwort: Switzerland
Train Salad
A 9 hours train ride from Switzerland back to Berlin … I love it with a good book and not too crowded … I was lucky today, no delays and missed connecting trains!
Bought some train salad and I must say: it looked weird but tasted good. Fresh green leaves and beetroot with a good vinaigrette. And for the future, dear Deutsche Bundesbahn, think about avoiding plastic perhaps, be hip, try recyclable banana leaves or whatever forks and spoons and wraps!!
I also realized: they relaunched the layout of their „mobil“- magazine: more pages on better, rougher paper, a fresh layout, I really like it! Funky little initials and a bit more … modern. Good!
Ovomaltine + Mountain Herbs
Recently I collected some mountain herbs and flowers hiking through the beautiful Klöntal in Switzerland … I filmed … I collected … I felt like walking in a postcard …
And then later I developed the film in these collected herbs, made a tea from it and added some of Swiss favourite drink: Ovomaltine … plus washing soda and vitamin c to activate the soup.
Results? A soft black & white film with good gray nuances!
Türlersee – Or: Never Try To Sell Your Daughter!
Da, wo jetzt der Türlersee sich ausbreitet, lag in alten Zeiten ein schöner Bauernhof mit fruchtbaren Feldern. Der Besitzer hatte ein einziges Kind, eine anmutige, liebe Tochter. Die war dem jungen Schlossherrn auf der Schnabelburg ins Auge gefallen, und er stellte ihr leidenschaftlich nach. Das ehrbare Kind wies aber beharrlich all seine Versprechungen zurück.
Da überredete der Schlossherr den Vater, das Mädchen zu mitternächtlicher Stunde unter allerlei Vorspiegelungen auf das Schloss zu bringen. Er öffnete selbst das Tor und zog die Widerstrebende herein. Wie er das Tor schliessen wollte, merkte sie, was gespielt wurde, und stiess einen Schrei der Verwünschung gegen ihren verräterischen Vater aus.
In diesem Augenblick fuhr ein flammender Blitz vom Himmel und traf ihr Elternhaus. Sie sah, wie sich eine feurige Kluft öffnete und der schmucke und einst so gesegnete Hof mit allen Feldern darin verschwand. Am Morgen aber lag an deren Stelle ein See.
At the place where the Türler lake now lies, there was in old times a beautiful farm with fertile fields. The owner had a single child, a graceful, sweet daughter. The young master of the castle on the Schnabelburg had an eye on her, and he pursued her passionately. The respectable child persistently rejected all his promises.
Then the master of the castle persuaded the father to bring the girl to the castle at midnight under all sorts of pretensions. He opened the gate himself, and drew in the reluctent daughter. As he wanted to close the gate, she noticed what was being played, and uttered a cry of cursing against her treacherous father.
At that moment a flash of lightning flashed from the sky and met her parents‘ house. She saw a fiery gap open, and the fine and once so blessed farm with all the fields disappeared into it. But in the morning there was a lake at that place.
The Limmat is a river that flows through Zürich and is so clean that you can swim in it. So great! See the pink something? It’s a kid on an air mattress!