Schlagwort: cat
Katzenlotto – The Film
… is online now! Here!
49 Pommesgabeln stecken in 49 schleimigen Katzenfutterwürfeln. Welche sechs wird sich Tabi der Kater wohl als erstes aussuchen und verschlingen?
49 french fries forks stuck in 49 slimy cat food cubes. Which will be the first six Tabi the cat is going to choose and devour?
Another Cat
Morellino Is Dead
One of my two cats died today – stomach cancer and hepatitis, very very sudden, at least he didn’t suffer long, brave little guy who accompanied me for 10 years.
We jazzed up our weird mood every day
Famous filmcat, see here!
Cat In Wood
Riding my bike through city and parks and lost places, staring up and down, dreaming here and there, I heard a meeow and turned around: a piece of wood leaning at a tree, staring back at me like a shy cat. But it was only a part of a wooden extending-table.
Chianti Cheers
Aldi again From today they sell a new Chianti (DOCG, 2006) Rubinello. I strongly recommend it. It’s good, dark red and strong. Let it breathe. [No, they don’t sponsor me] 😀
Yellow Autumn
After more than 1 week with a sick computer I’m finally online again and my outside world has turned yellow. And I found a heart on the street!