Autumn Soup

… made from rose hips / Hagebutten!
I love the German word Hagebutte! “Entstanden aus den mittelhochdeutschen Begriffen hagen ‚Dornbusch‘ und butte ‚rundlicher Gegenstand‘ / Originating from the Middle High German terms hagen ‘thorn bush’ and butte ‘roundish object” … says Wiki. Dornbuschrundling! 😀
I made juice to develop some positive prints.
That’s all for this week, autumn cold winds blew into my neck and gave me a little cold. I slow down.
Hatschi / Atishoo!

Season Signs

What is the first sign that now the beginning of a season is irreversible?
The first chestnut for autumn … the first snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) for pre-pre-pre-spring/end winter … the first crocus and the first singing blackbird at dawn for spring … the first time walking barefoot on grass for summer and the first metallic cold smell of snow at night for winter.