Developing the freshly made pinhole photos in caffenol! Here are the first results:
Schlagwort: caffenol
Glimpses Of June
I have a preview scanner at home … here comes a little scene from my upcoming June film!!
15 Meter Film In A Staircase
A mini workshop in Köln: developing one roll of super 8 Kodachrome in Caffenol, 32 people watching, joining, helping … and then we hung it to dry all the way down the staircase of the Kölner Filmhaus!
1:1 Workshop
I had this experiment yesterday: a 1 on 1 workshop with an artist from the US (we’ve known each other via instagram), now in Europe, documentary film maker, who wanted to learn from me: caffenol / veggie soup developing, super 8 and double 8, tricks and recipes, how to set up a darkroom, which devices needed for developing and so much more!
It was fun, it was inspiration and knowledge … and now I think I will do it again. Offering different kinds of workshops, online and in reality, one person and more.
A regular date maybe (like every first Sunday of the month) via Zoom for little money: me answering all super 8 / eco developing questions, helping with current projects, showing how to mix a magic soup … like it?
Kelp & Coffee
Kelp is seaweed. I collected some, brewed a tea, added some coffee and vitamin c and washing soda and developed an old Kodachrome in it. Yummy smell, strong developer, the film became orange! I will reverse it digitally and the colour will turn to oceanblue!!
Little Beauties In My Garden
My first week’s circle is quite narrow: I wander through the village, I get to know my streets, my neighborhood and all the plants in our garden. My pinhole synapse itches! I brought two pinhole cameras made from a coffee and a spice can. Simple but wonderful. I browse the garden and get attracted by tomato plants, by peppermint, by pink lillies, by a planetlike flower, already dried, by other unknown garden fellows.
I take small photos (negatives), develop them in Caffenol (instant coffee, washing soda, vitamine c), and then later at night when it’s dark I lock myself in my improvised darkroom and make sandwich prints on paper. Then I have positives! Testing them with Caffenol, later then probably in their matching soups (tomato picture – tomato soup!!)
Come back!
Coffee Workshop In Hamburg
I was invited to give a workshop at Hamburg Kurzfilmfestival last week!
A group of seven filmed super 8 black&white and we developed in yummy soup made of coffee, vitamin c and washing soda. The weather was so hot that we puddled happily outside in the yard. The result: fun and a bunch of very beautiful black&white negatives!
Here’s a link to the group film >>> X.
Coffee, Coke, Wine, Berries, Vodka, Tea …
I’m possessed. By the idea of developing black&white films in an environment-friendly way. In a yummy way: using ingredients that you can find in your kitchen. Or at your local supermarket, for little money. Ingredients like instant coffee, red wine, tea, soda, vitamin c powder, vodka, lemons
Here’s a three minute film that I developed in 5 different soups the original negative version (later I digitized and reversed it to positive, it’s not yet online, come back later!!!)
Coffee Developing Trance
I’m in love with LIFT’s darkroom!
Today I tried another coffee based developer … and to refine the soup a little I used Lake Ontario water instead of regular boring tap water. And added some squirrel beer!
The result: wonderful black&white positive film!!