I was in Braunschweig again … the second time that I gave a workshop this year at Hochschule für Bildende Künste! Art School! Seems like I have a recurring job now.
All about analog film making. Super 8 of course. Intuitive filming. Eco processing (Caffenol, Tuttifruttol, Curryol … and some weird smelling mixture: Caffenol with a big shot of Klosterfrau Melissengeist (“Naturally effective since 1826 for colds, inner restlessness, insomnia, nervousness, gastrointestinal complaints, weather sensitivity and muscular complaints”). Fantastic results!!!
Monat: Dezember 2022
Vegan Developing Service
From now on I will develop all Kodachromes black&white films using Caffenol. Eco developer. No more chemicals. My favourite developer used to be Dokumol. It is not available any more in any shops. So I go vegan 😉
Recently In Braunschweig
Café Müller In Space
Zirkuswagenstories / Gypsy caravan stories:
Es wird langsam ein wenig ungemütlich draußen, Schnee fällt, der eisige Nordwind möchte gerne die maroden Fensterscheiben eindrücken, aber nix da, wir dichten mit Stoff und Restfolie. Der Ofen bullert, Christoph sägt und schleift die schönste Müllerküche … und schon ist es wieder dunkel. Noch wenige Tage, und der Zenit ist erreicht.
Dann: Rauhnächte! Kinoeröffnung: das kleinste Kino in ganz Schleswig-Holstein! Stay tuned
It’s getting a little uncomfortable outside, snow is falling, the icy north wind would like to break in the dilapidated window panes, but no way, we seal with fabric and foil. The oven roars, Christoph saws and grinds the most beautiful Müller kitchen … and oops it’s dark again. A few more days and the zenith will be reached.
Then: the magic nights between xmas and the new year! Tiny Cinema opening: the smallest cinema of all of Schleswig-Holstein! Stay tuned