… means: our fries are cut by hand! 😉
My neighborhood becomes hipper and lovelier and yummier and more expensive and more international and I like it (except the expensive rent part …) – tonight I felt like a decent Hamburger and tried the Hamburger Heaven in Graefestrasse 93. To go.
To the left: Netto supermarket. To the right: Marques Spanish Restaurant (mmmh!).
Had to wait a long time in the cold (20 mins) because the 2 guys seemed to be really busy, their delivery service starting today, but it was worth it and meanwhile I had a Polish beer (Zywiec, mmmh!) and wrapped myself in red fluffy fleece rugs they have outside on their benches … and what can I say? My Cheeseburger was the best I ever had! I chose Biofleisch (really happy organic meat) – you can decide between regular and medium happy animals and super bio … they also have some veggie stuff! Delicious!