I placed my Illy coffee pinhole camera under the bamboo trees … a piece of negative film inside, sun shining from above filtered through the softly swaying leaves … and here is what came out!
Monat: Juni 2018
More Solargraphy
3 more cameras hidden on tree, post and window of an abandoned house.
Now waiting 4 or more months until it’s time to harvest the pictures!
Hopping In The Garden II
For some reason I love this picture … People waiting for the next horse race … checking the quotas, the horses‘ history … whatever …
Hopping In The Garden
„Hoppegarten“, that’s the name of a quarter in Berlin which is famous for its horse racetrack. I spent a Sunday afternoon with 3 friends and a little kid there, picknicking on the lawn, watching beautiful shiny horses run like devils, betting on the horse with the most beautiful name and losing.
I somehow like this picture: after the sudden summer rain shower. Between two races. These people in red dresses with their sticks … I don’t really know what they’re doing there on the track, looks like they’re checking the grass … looking for shit or holes in the ground?
Coconut Chips From The German Jungle
Heimatgut, heehee … it means something like Home Goods … goods that come from my country … like these typical German coconut chips … anyway: yummy!
Solargraphy is a photographic art of capturing the sun’s path with a pinhole camera. And much time. A very long exposure …. weeks, months.
I did it (together with my friend Gesine): I used a small black film box, a tiny laser drilled hole, a piece of photo paper, some wire to fix it … and 10 months.
10 months is such a long time that the paper doesn’t need to be developed – it would become totally black – the negative images appears on the paper by itself because the altered chemical grains in the emulsion are going crazy with this long exposure time and start to „burn“ the paper!