I invite friends in my darkroom.
Today: Hila from Israel. Spending half the day together developing colour reversal films. Ektachrome 64! Rare material! Beautiful colours! 2 years old memories! I love it!
Monat: April 2017
Pink Corner
Adalbertstraße and Waldemarstraße share a pinky corner: blooming cherry trees! Switch on your imagination and colour this photo (I took it with my cookie pinhole camera yesterday!)
Super 8 Workshop May 20
… in Berlin! More Info here: wabisabisuper8.com/Berlin2017_1e.html
Friends In My Darkroom
I invite friends in my darkroom.
Today: Maira from Finland. Spending an evening together developing colour reversal films. And drinking red wine. Success! Beautiful colours! Wittnerchrome and Ekta100. I love it!