
I think I mentioned it before … many of the classic and toxic developers end with -ol (Dokumol, Neutol …), and the first eco developer was named Caffenol. I give names to mostly all my new developers … this time me and my students explored the power of … Bolzanol!

A fruity North Italian mix made from local fruit like apples, mandarines and pomegranates … and many more.
I know that all citrus fruits work well as developer, all colourful and aromatic fruits in general. They all contain a lot of phenols.
The result of the film was a bit lower in contrast compared to a Caffenol developed film, softer and more grey tones. Beautiful!
We’ll have the films digitized in December, I will for sure show you some results!

A Flock Of Flickers – An Invitation

Online webinars from January 2025 regularly (if I can manage it) every last Sunday of the month, starting in January 2025.

“We love Super 8 / we are at the very beginning and don’t know much / we are in the middle and are enchanted / we want to know everything about Caffenol and ecological developing, cameras and film stock / we have experience and specific questions … let’s connect!

We meet every last Sunday of the month! On the ZOHO platform, which is similar to ZOOM. I moderate and tell and show tricks and film examples … you have the opportunity to bring in your own topic / problem / question. It’s something like a virtual mini workshop, a webinar in a small group, with personalised advice and assistance.

The entrance fee is 30 € / $ via PayPal, you will be emailed an access code. You can register your topic / problem / special interest in advance.
Time: Europe 19:00, USA around noon, but this can be flexible if someone from other regions of the world wants to participate. The duration will be 1 hour, probably longer. Language: English.

Let’s flicker!”

A Flock Of Flickers #1 will take place on 26 January 2025!

A Bag of Fleas

Another workshop … but: this time my students were very young teens between 12 and 14 years old! Something I never did before …

(my 2 days super 8 filming and eco developing was part of a 4 days advanced training course for film curators who introduce young people to filmmaking, hosted by the Düsseldorf Film Museum!)

A wild bunch! A bag of fleas! Exhausting but also fascinating how the young got into it: watching experimental short films, collecting ideas, writing into their copybooks, learning how to use a super 8 camera, filming their ideas … with the help of us 6 adults of course … and then mixing coffee and fruit juice developer!

Honestly … I prefer students in their twenties, but it was an awesome experience!!!