Monat: Januar 2025
Stuttgart Filmwinter #38: Clattering Stones and Bubbling Cells
I wave hello from the train driving me home from Stuttgart! 4 days film festival, the one and only FILMWINTER! No workshop this time for me, I had just one short film in the competition program, so it was like a mini holiday for me.
I did a kind of marathon film watching … and it felt like … an underlying subject, a subconscious commonality: pulsating nature, forces of nature, clattering stones and bubbling cells. I explain it to me: we as humans have come so far that we’re standing at the rim of the abyss, it’s going downhill with humanity or … not. It’s a decision, it’s a Rutschpartie / slide tour. Artists feel this.
PS: the catering was fantastic! Spätzle special and Laugenstangen with Nutella! Thank you!
Kodak Socks
A dream come true: someone gave me Kodak socks!!!
Another Brownie Photo
I must say I’m in love with these glass negatives … and the wacky emulsion. This is a photo I took from my neighbour’s balcony … in the foreground this wishiwashy stuff is moving grass … the exposure time was 10 seconds (a bit too long, the negative has turned out very dense and dark …)
Welcome, 2025
Hello balcony, hello fresh new year!