is for me after a once again too long winter: a singing blackbird.
I just heard him. Sunset, rain, melting snow, grey air. I grabbed my sound recorder, ran to the balcony, opened the door, pressed the button
and the singing was already over. But what a good start! 20 seconds, he’ll come back, rehearse, modify and extend his song, I know.
Here’s one from last year 😉 >>>> cityamsel2.mp3
Schlagwort: blackbird
My City Blackbird
He lives here in my front street trees! He sings the sweetest melodies!
He plays Q and A with his mates! I love him! My Blackbird!
PS: The graffiti says: Die Hölle ist überwindbar! / Hell is Conquerable (??) –> Hermann Hesse. It’s on my opposite school.