I bought this funny thing on Ebay: a kind of objective that fits on a camera and on top there is a window for one super 8 frame! Analog scan! (Because I’m feverishly trying to find the best highest resolution way to enlarge one tiny image to a
more or less giant poster. I want to bring some unseen beauties, stills, a 24th of a second, to light, to exhibition).
So I opened the parcel, checked the thing and the screw which immediately broke
a plastic screw! How stupid!
But for all accidents there is help: I recommend ASA 90, the best shop in town (Berlin-Neukölln, Fuldastrasse 55) for film and foto!
Fred, the owner, is the coolest helper ever and of course he and his two companions helped me fix that thing! Thank you!
This is Fred’s magic screw toolbox 🙂