2 JAHRE FERIEN (2 Years On Vacation) is the title of one of the most famous German TV productions of the 70es.
I remember. I was 12 years old. They broadcasted 4 episodes before Xmas – each Sunday, each one 80 minutes long, one each Sunday in Advent. Those days there were only 2 German Broadcasting stations as far as I remember, so it was an attraction all over Â
Based on a story by Jules Verne, music by Hans Posegga, directed by Walter Ulbrich and Gilles Grangier and Sergiu Nicolaescu.
That’s where I planted the seed of men that I would love: rather silent then loud. Independent. Deckschrubbend. Deck swabbing. More brilliant than aaaaaaall others. Uncombed hair. Striped shirt. To be continued. (insert some more attractions later)
Couldn’t be more sexy: a group of high educated boys, wealthy background, good hearted though; a bunchful of brave and honest sailors, among them young Dick Sand, orphan, punk, blonde, intelligent, cooool, striped shirt đ – the highlight (what ever became of Franz Seidenschwan??)  Two villains, clever and malicious  A treasure map  the sea and the ship  no women đ
I guess I fell in love for the first time then.
Hi. It’s funny! I am reading your blog about sun, islands and brave hearts. now here in Izhevsk about -32 and all around is white. You always warm us.