Auntie Google translates it as “A whoosh of a film frame” and I like it!
My new favourite film picture. Coming from my film “Die Perfektion der Mücke / The Perfection of the Mosquito”
unterwegs in Sachen Film >>> <<< on the road making films!
Auntie Google translates it as “A whoosh of a film frame” and I like it!
My new favourite film picture. Coming from my film “Die Perfektion der Mücke / The Perfection of the Mosquito”
Neulich / recently in the middle of the city, green Münster!
Just so. Passing through.
I saw these in Münster … I love them … seems like they pixel their surrounding, their behind …
I tried to find something about the artist who did it and I found this:
“Auf eine neue Ebene der optischen Täuschung brachte es der Künstler Smoe Nova im letzten Jahr, indem er mehrere Kästen an einer vielbefahrenen Straße im Norden Münsters in einem aufwändigen Prozess über mehrere Tage quasi verpixelte – er bemalte die Kästen in einer Pixel-Optik. Der Effekt: Die Stromkästen verschwinden nun quasi im Stadtbild und mit dem dahinterliegenden neuen Gebäudekomplex.”
… which translates as: “The artist Smoe Nova brought it to a new level of optical illusion last year by pixeling several boxes on a busy street in the north of Münster in a complex process over several days – he painted the boxes in a pixel look. The effect: the junction boxes now disappear into the cityscape and with the new building complex behind them.”
A lovely cinema (Lichtmess-Kino in Hamburg), a great shortfilm program (curated by my friend and cinema maker Dorit … and me): 20 films that make us happy! … a more than half full cinema, nice green vodka-jelly drinks in between and after the show! What a glowing evening!
Recently I met a lovely cat called JoJo!
Recently I was invited to the Kurzfilmtage / Short Film Days at Oberhausen, a middle size German town, but a big size famous film festival, well known for its weird choice of more or less experimental films!
I found coincidential beauty on my night walk back to my hotel.