I’m in the middle of the making of a new short film. I use Czech black&white material (double super 8 which gives me the beautiful chance to expose the film twice or more!) and I animate run and fly girls, rouse swans and ducks in my neighborhood and say cheers to the goddess of coincidence 😉
Monat: Februar 2009
Finally Flowers
We’re defrosting 😀
Sad Party
The big celebrations of Carnival don’t touch Berlin at all. Almost not at all. There are some guys that still want to party (Non-Germans notice: The Ultra-Western part of my country celebrates Carnival 3 days long with parades and endless parties): opposite to my house there’s a gym, see how they have fun!
AØ & Utah from DK
Today I was at Antje Öklesund for the first time, it is a great live music club in Berlin-Friedrichshain.
And I discovered a gem!
This doesn’t happen often. Normally I go to concerts and have some drinks and listen joyfully to the music and that’s it. Today I went there with Khani and we had some drinks and listened joyfully Â… whow that band rocked the house! Rocked the Hinterhaus! Rocked the snowy icey half-dead-hibernating yetis!
A skinny singer with a monster voice! A weird drummer with underarms like calf legs. A warmsmilingsexy keyboarder and two beardy nerdlike base-guitarmen. UTAH from Denmark. Come back guys in summer! And I give you a drink or seven!
About Antje, the name-giver of the club: Im Herbst des Jahres 1599 wurde an der südnorwegischen Küste eine Holzkiste an Land gespült. Die Kiste war mit einer Decke und einem kleinen Kissen ausgelegt. Das Mädchen, das darin saß, war etwa drei Jahre alt und trug nichts bei sich außer einem dünnen blauen Kapuzen mäntelchen. Es zitterte am ganzen Körper, als die Fischer es am Strand auflasen und zum Bürgermeister trugen. Doch niemand brachte auch nur ein einziges Wort aus ihm heraus.Der Fischer, der es am Strand gefunden hatte, hatte Mitleid mit dem Mädchen und nahm es mit nach Hause. Seine Frau hingegen war erbost, da sie schon jetzt nicht wusste, wie sie die vier anderen Kinder ernähren sollte, doch ihr Mann bestand darauf, dass es bliebe.Sie gaben ihm den Namen „Antka“, und nahmen es als Tochter des Fischers „Antkesson“ in ihre Familie auf. So wuchs Antka in der Familie des Fischers auf und zeigte sich schon bald als wissbegieriges und aufgewecktes Kind. Doch die Mutter mochte Antka nicht besonders und zog ihr ihre eigenen Kinder ihr vor. Antka dagegen holte das Wasser für die Familie und wenn sie sich mit ihren vollen Eimern über den Dorfplatz schleppte, riefen ihr die Kinder hinterher: „Antka, Antka, De er et oeklesund“, was soviel heißt wie „Antka, Antka, Du kommst nicht von hier“. Schwer schnitten die Riemen an ihren Schultern und schwer wog der Makel der Fremden an ihr. So nahm sie der Fischer mit zur See und lehrte sie den Fischfang. Doch Antka blickte oft hinaus zum Horizont und wenn der Fischer sie ermahnte, die Netze zu halten, da summte sie verträumt vor sich hin…….
Light Spiral
Haa! This is one of the most magic moments in the process of processing Â… the second exposure to light!
It comes right after 1st developer + bleach + clear and before 2nd developer + fix.
At that moment the deed is done and you can check and try to detect frames and images Â…
Cutting Snowflakes
I feel like black&white double super 8 fllming these days!
Berlin is covered with snow and the sun is shining but I can’t wait for the white hell to disappear. Having a film in my mind called “Lust For Luck – Get Up, Jucy Lordan!“ which is going to be a lot about, well, taking hold of the reins and running towards Â… whatever. To the horizon like Jack Sparrow proposed?
“— Now, Bring me that horizon.“ that’s what he exactly said, says Auntie Google.
I’m cutting snowflakes and preparing a nice animated double exposure.
Akabalaka! The Umbi Bros are in Town.
I hate mimes. Say “Marcel Marceau! Boo!“ to me and I break down and get the scabies. But! There is something else in this polyverse! With SOUND!! The Umbilical Brothers come from Australia, performed in the Tipi tent in Berlin tonight and we all loved them, even my little nephew who doesn’t understand more than 10 words english but that doesn’t matter, he understands all the stories they tell with their extremely skilled funny intelligent laugh-myself-to-death noises (special beatbox microphones I guess) and Â… well Â… I wish them luck and fame worldwide!
Watch them on Youtube (here’s my favourite: Velcroworld!) or better if you have the chance go see them in reality because they are so REAL (one thing I love about artist is when you see and feel they have really fun performing on stage, it’s like a spark that oscillates, can you understand me?!) and they have layers. Their jokes are not flat. They are partly extremely simple. Boys jokes. About zippers and chainsaws and robots and guns and flies. But with layers behind. And their choreography is gorgeous. Musicians.
Filmsharing Applesharing
These days just happen, Berlins winters are notorious, everyone’s glorious, it’s Berlinale (Filmfestival), I don’t really care, there are side-events Â… went to Deborahs Film show at Directors Lounge, didn’t feel like in the beginning, it was cold, I was old, wine was sold (just for the rhyme – in reality wine was bad and cold) but the programme was … mixed and good and special and intimate. And: almost all of the participating filmmakers showed up! And: something that will probably never happen again: all super 8 film makers (except one guy) were there projecting their / our films. Milena! Karola! Eva! Me!
Technique was crucial in the beginning because time was out and no one had checked the projector, but 4 skilled super 8 ladies worked like 4 fingers of a hand and we had … fun.
Karola brought apples and shared them. They tasted like spring. Yearn!
All is Red is All
I just met Marie (dreaming over her coffee) and Deborah at the Ankerklause and the latter handed me her Red Films program “Meanings & Effects of Red“: Berliners and visitors, go to Directors‘ Lounge (SCALA, Friedrichstr. 112A, Berlin-Mitte) Monday February 9 at 8 pm! It will be a very cool and mixed program (8 and 16 mm and some DVD) of red films (including 2 of mine).
It’s alive!
Hello February, there is hope on my balcony!