These days just happen, Berlins winters are notorious, everyone’s glorious, it’s Berlinale (Filmfestival), I don’t really care, there are side-events
went to Deborahs Film show at Directors Lounge, didn’t feel like in the beginning, it was cold, I was old, wine was sold (just for the rhyme – in reality wine was bad and cold) but the programme was … mixed and good and special and intimate. And: almost all of the participating filmmakers showed up! And: something that will probably never happen again: all super 8 film makers (except one guy) were there projecting their / our films. Milena! Karola! Eva! Me!
Technique was crucial in the beginning because time was out and no one had checked the projector, but 4 skilled super 8 ladies worked like 4 fingers of a hand and we had … fun.
Karola brought apples and shared them. They tasted like spring. Yearn!