Don’t jump from the long side! yells the bath attendant in my favourite summer pool called Prinzenbad. I’ve always loved it there, it’s like a melting pot mixing everybody in almost always peaceful coexistance. At least it used to be like that. Except for some cracking pubescents or overheated brutalos but they mostly stay among themselves
and those uptight asshole voyeurs who molest people in the separated nude areal
What I realized over the recent years: it has always been a normal thing to sunbathe topless. More than half of the girls/women did it. No big deal here. Today? No one except for me and I felt like a medium aged hippie from another planet. What’s that? Americanization? Muslimization? Back to the fifties-prudery? I’ll have to muse about it
Maybe the mood, the atmosphere is slowly turning towards rough and aggressive and disrespectful behavior
and girls
Until I found out, here’s a little still from a very short film called “Ducks are watching you”, a film festival trailer that I made some years ago for the Zwergwerk Film Festival in Oldenburg:
and here’s the trailer:
qler trailer!
I see the sea and the sea sees me!!!!
seen it! 😉