I love (short) film festivals. Especially the Independent Osnabrück one! This festival is a bucket of water in the desert, a gem in a haystack. I’ve been there several times and always felt warmheartedly welcome and
well, it is not too big, not confusingly widespread (I mean concerning distances).
During 3 days they show mostly feature long films and two short film programs. I enjoyed it a lot and I got lots of inspiration and talked to many lovely film freaks. And I happily walked back to my little hotel (wwwd = white wine walking distance! Yes, the Lagerhalle-Bar has good wine!), suddenly the night was warm, I pulled my camera trigger for 15 seconds and out came enlightened pictures, see below (the weird blurred thing is a light-spotted Jesus-cross on a church roof
) – one thing is very remarkable: there are churches almost at every corner. Stone old ones, medieval and waaayyy older. And the church bells ring like hell (heehee) at 8 in the morning on a peaceful Sunday
Special hug to Birgit & Holger for the vibes! Keep on keeping on!!
The river that runs through the city is called Hase (= rabbit) why so ever I enjoyed a walk and a coffee and the flying ducks that greeted me quacking and I tweeted back.