It’s a film. By me and Gabriele Kahnert. 85 minutes long.
13 years ago we started – a 2 women gang with 3 cameras (two digital, one super 8), 1 car and 1 sound recorder – pursuing the paths of some music lovers spread all over the world (Germany, Russia, USA, China) and a band speeding from one venue to the next: Canada, West Coast, Southern States.
What a trip!
„Some films appear out of thin air, like figures emerging from the fog. […] „And then it starts, with one of the lightest and most carefree of film beginnings seen in years. The band begins slowly, searching and a bit hesitant. Both filmmakers use the song’s initial calm to introduce the central characters. Rhythmically confident in gesture and movement, it is an indication of the film’s allure and that of its figures. Then the music sets in – a cut to the road passing by. It is a never-ending, gliding movement, a rhythm that is sustained right up to the last minute on screen.“ Read the full article (Hans J. Wulff, October 2007) here!
The film spent 10 years sleeping in the drawer. The band didn’t like it … which meant: no music rights (we used 21 songs in it!!)
Now it’s awake again and will be shown at Unerhört!-MusikFilmfestival in Hamburg in September. Legally. The times they are a-changing …