Midsummer in the city of Berlin. Suddenly you know: you need to go to the countryside right now or else you go crazy.
So my brother and his son took me out on a ride to the emerald green clear crispy clean beautiful lake called Liepnitzsee, situated about 30 kms North of Berlin. The lake belongs to the district of Wandlitz, which in GDR times was the space where the highest East German functionaries lived.
You can rent rowboats for hours for little money, watch ducks, ducklings, great crested grebes (Haubentaucher), herons (Fischreiher) and coots (Blesshühner)
swim in the soft cuddly water, walk to the Insulanerklause, (a kind of little open air restaurant) and have a wheat beer, a salad, a coke, a Wienerwürstchen, icecream
stroll through the woods on the island and the surrounding banks
It was a perfect Sunday 🙂
Try to count the mosquito bites on my legs
but funny, the magic water cools the itching away!
And this is my brother taking a dive!!
Schöne entspannte Schnittchen und stilistisch schöner Köpper. Schönes Grün übrigens auch. Sommer ist halt schön.