Magic Box

I bought this funny thing on Ebay: a kind of objective that fits on a camera and on top there is a window for one super 8 frame! Analog scan! (Because I’m feverishly trying to find the best highest resolution way to enlarge one tiny image to a … more or less giant poster. I want to bring some unseen beauties, stills, a 24th of a second, to light, to exhibition).
So I opened the parcel, checked the thing and the screw which immediately broke … aaarggh … a plastic screw! How stupid!
But for all accidents there is help: I recommend ASA 90, the best shop in town (Berlin-Neukölln, Fuldastrasse 55) for film and foto!
Fred, the owner, is the coolest helper ever and of course he and his two companions helped me fix that thing! Thank you!

This is Fred’s magic screw toolbox 🙂

Fuck You Bike Stealers!

I thought my back yard was quite secure. I locked my 15 year old half rusted mountain bike there. Among 20 or 25 other ones more or less rotten. This morning I came down and wanted to cycle to work – and it was gone. At first sight I thought: oh, was I too drunk last night? But I wasn’t even out … Starting Alzheimer? No. It was just simply stolen.

Fuck you, thief! That was really mean. This bike is of no worth, maybe you’ll get 40 bucks for the frame and 1 for the plastic duck honk, you asshole. I curse your Karma. Get scrabies! (Krieg die Krätze!)

Here’s a still from one of my films (The Self-Healing Of My Bike) *sigh* from those days when we were still together …

„Es wird nicht von den Längsseiten gesprungen!“

“Don’t jump from the long side!“ yells the bath attendant in my favourite summer pool called Prinzenbad. I’ve always loved it there, it’s like a melting pot mixing everybody in almost always peaceful coexistance. At least it used to be like that. Except for some cracking pubescents or overheated brutalos but they mostly stay among themselves … and those uptight asshole voyeurs who molest people in the separated nude areal … well … anyway …
What I realized over the recent years: it has always been a normal thing to sunbathe topless. More than half of the girls/women did it. No big deal here. Today? No one except for me and I felt like a medium aged hippie from another planet. What’s that? Americanization? Muslimization? Back to the fifties-prudery? I’ll have to muse about it … Maybe the mood, the atmosphere is slowly turning towards rough and aggressive and disrespectful behavior … and girls … well … react.

Until I found out, here’s a little still from a very short film called “Ducks are watching you”, a film festival trailer that I made some years ago for the Zwergwerk Film Festival in Oldenburg:

and here’s the trailer:

Attack Ladybugs Attack!

Last weekend at Force Attack … I don’t really go to punk festivals regularly … but it was a good spontaneous chance to accompany one of the bands that will be part of Bands On BoatsA Pony Named Olga – share some time, work, fun, music, film with them on a small tour.
We even had time to relax half a day at the Baltic Sea which is very close to that festival (Rostock/Warnemünde).

Attack! Ladybug plague at the beach! That was kind of weird! Hundreds of those little beautiful 7-dotted bugs flew around us, landing on us, on the sand, on the towels … never experienced that before.
Sensitive people started to fix mosquito nets to their sunshades