2010 is close
I recommend you: wear red underwear this night and you will be lucky next year!!
Italians know and Auntie Wiki says: Italians call New Year’s Eve Capodanno (the „head of the year“) or Notte di San Silvestro (the night of St. Silvestro). Traditionaly there are a set of rituals for the new year, such as wearing red underwear and getting rid of old or unused items by dropping them from the window.
Monat: Dezember 2009
Slowly very slowly snow started falling and now the whole city is sleeping under a blanket of fresh white snow powder.
I See The Sea And The Sea Sees Me!
Happy merry lovely X-Mas to all of you readers and friends!
May horizons be open und immer ein handbreit Wasser unterm Kiel which I can’t really translate but which is an old sailors wish about having enough water under the keel. Well, bon voyage then and take care!!
Travelling With My Sheep
I went to Gigant Photo, one of Berlins best high-end photo and framing and printing companies, to pick up my print of my Orwo-sheep (blown up from a super 8 still). I felt like baaing, travelling with my sheep, browsing on a nervous field with millions of x-mas-crazy contemporaries hunting for the ultimate gift
so I took a break at the Schwarzes Café to see my brother and his love for a relax coffee and some gigantic toasts.
The Schwarzes Café! About a quarter of a century back when I came to Berlin for the very first time it was exactly that place that I stepped in (open 24 hours) after a long hitch-hike ride. I’ll never forget: travelling with my friend, nice drivers (a white Citroën DS) who picked us up in dark Gütersloh when we were already half ready to give up after 1 hour of hopeless waiting
like in a dream the shimmering white car appeared and took us with them all the way to Berlin and spit us out at Zoologischer Garten, 2 o’clock in the morning, a warm glimmering August night, it was then when I fell in love with that city
Anyway, nice to see that the café still exists!
Mid Winter Night 2009
Swans sleep. Sun rises. Days are getting longer from now on!!
Pling Pling Peace Attack
This morning I found ice flowers on my window!
And I really didn’t feel like riding my bike through the snowy frozen city today
so I took the U-Bahn / subway
looping a song in my ears that I love so much, it’s Peace Attack by Sonic Youth. And I realized: the first 2 notes of the song are exactly the same like the Ding-Dong of the station-announcing-voice! Watch the film – and listen (it’s coming at sec 13) 🙂 bingbing.MOV
Fighting Ice With Ice
Incredible, temperature falls down to minus 15 degrees (old-Berliners experienced that and more (minus 20!!!) 23 years ago, yeehaa, Kreuzberg-feeling, fumes of brown coal all around, the typical Berlin smell of the 80es ), so my friend Nadine and me we celebrated the ritual of fighting the devil with the devil or something like that: meeting at GOLDMARIE, drinking white wine with extra ice cubes.
Cheers to all survivors!!
2 Years On Vacation
2 JAHRE FERIEN (2 Years On Vacation) is the title of one of the most famous German TV productions of the 70es.
I remember. I was 12 years old. They broadcasted 4 episodes before Xmas – each Sunday, each one 80 minutes long, one each Sunday in Advent. Those days there were only 2 German Broadcasting stations as far as I remember, so it was an attraction all over
Based on a story by Jules Verne, music by Hans Posegga, directed by Walter Ulbrich and Gilles Grangier and Sergiu Nicolaescu.
That’s where I planted the seed of men that I would love: rather silent then loud. Independent. Deckschrubbend. Deck swabbing. More brilliant than aaaaaaall others. Uncombed hair. Striped shirt. To be continued. (insert some more attractions later)
Couldn’t be more sexy: a group of high educated boys, wealthy background, good hearted though; a bunchful of brave and honest sailors, among them young Dick Sand, orphan, punk, blonde, intelligent, cooool, striped shirt 😉 – the highlight (what ever became of Franz Seidenschwan??) Two villains, clever and malicious A treasure map the sea and the ship no women 😉
I guess I fell in love for the first time then.
Flying the Color Flag
This is how color processing chemicals look like in Germany: black – red – gold like in the flag 😉
I need colors now more than ever. Berlin winter greyness flattens everything: mood, energy, speed
So I spill a little color magic!
And my cat loves to nibble on the leftovers (super 8 film stripe)