Come to the CLUB tomorrow (Club 39, Manteuffelstr. 39 close to subway Görlitzer Bahnhof), my favourite bar in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Showing films and playing some very weird records together with Michel – we are the DJ team Superlux 3000 which is originally the name of a super 8 projector … to fill the circle and spread an analogue mood.
Monat: Februar 2020
Moon Rabbit
Moon Rabbit, that’s the translation of the Korean word Dal Tokki! Dal Tokki is the name of a lovely little Korean restaurant in Berlin-Wedding, Prinzenallee 83, close to U-Bahn station Pankstrasse. They offer home made lunch, just one dish consisting of salad, soup, main dish. Changing every day. Always 8 €. And they serve a delicious yellow „Maistee“ – corn tea, roasted! And sell home made kimchi!
“Jedenfalls ist das Essen, das die Hasen bereiten, so rund wie der Vollmond selbst. Es fällt vom Planeten hinunter direkt auf unsere Teller. Dal Tokkis stampfen und backen und backen und stampfen. Im Takt der Hasen essen wir, was Hasen für uns kochen. Vom Mond direkt in die Stadt. Urban Korean Food ist planetarisch.”
“In any case, the food that the rabbits prepare is as round as the full moon itself. It falls directly from the planet onto our plates. Dal Tokkis stomp and bake and bake and stomp. We eat what rabbits cook for us in the same rhythm. From the moon straight into the city. Urban Korean Food is planetary.”
Holding Still For 10 Minutes
… makes a nice, soft pinhole selfie!
The Perfection Of The Mosquito
I don’t know why but I think a lot about the universe, nature, karma, magic, animals, fun, sense, reason, abundance, sundance … and now that the second half of my sabbatical year has begun (lucky me) I find so much time to edit some films I always wanted to finish. This greenish old Agfa super 8 film that I shot about 2 years ago: frogs and rape seed fields and me drawing animals and my brother coming running from the lake and flowers and water ripples …
Now there’s a film called „Die Perfekton der Mücke / The Perfection of the Mosquito“ which is a bit esoteric, a bit kitschy, green and fun and sugarsweet music (self-made – ha!).
Enjoy! Watch here the German version and here the English!!!