Tag: 7. Juni 2013
EPFC Open Screening
They do it once a month: the Echo Park Film Center (that’s where I’m at this month, lucky me, tiny artist in residence, huge eco developer!) … opening the screen for filmmakers that just drop in and bring their works. 16 or 8 mm or digital, anything is possible.
What an interesting evening! I was quite amazed to realize that almost all films had something in common: brutality and horror elements. A war like scenery woman tortured man trying to rescue. Killing her in the end, thank you. Slowly of course.
A post modern female artist being defined, annoyed and molested by a man that she finally kills and transforms in an art piece, hopefully.
The only female artist that showed a film (besides me) presented an annoyed Jesus suffering on his cross in the desert. Looking for a reason? For lost religion?
Oooff …. heavy stuff, also conservative in terms of gender. Is it prettier to see a woman being raped and tortured? For me it just sucks. War is brutal, right, I agree. Is it prettier to see a woman being raped and tortured? For me it just sucks. Is it prettier to see a woman being raped and tortured? For me it just sucks.
OK, enough shitting: the best film of the evening was made by … name forgotten … coming later … a 17 year old cool greasy hair guy … a film in black and white, contrasty like hell, about another guy, coffee addict maybe, restless, weirdo cuts and breaks, awesome sound and music. Congrats! Keep on keeping on!!
This is me just before the screening:
This is Paolo doing the best announcement ever:
16 mm and a long way to go …